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Ask Our Style Techs | Too Early for Boots?

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Q: I am getting anxious to wear my boots, but it's still hot where I live... is September too early for boots? - Joan M. ...Read more.

Angela’s Lab | Essential Fall Trends

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Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Neiman Marcus "Let's Talk Fall" preview media breakfast and saw firsthand what fashion guru Ken Downing has tagged as the looks of the season. After chatting with fellow members of the fashion press, we were treated to a fashion show of lustworthy looks. On Ken's trend list for the season: Gray, Greens, Global Chic, Knit Dressing, Trousers, the Clutch, the Year-Round Bootie, and Statement Necklaces. These are all super-wearable trends that I can get behind and most are classic in nature with an updated twist. And I'm excited to see trousers on the list! Dresses and skirts have ...Read more.