On-the-Go Style Hacks
We’ve all had it happen. The dreaded wardrobe malfunction. From a fallen hem to a broken heel, it’s a serious fashion emergency! Below are some of my best stylist tips & tricks for common issues many of us have run into over the years. To make solving unexpected problems easier, I highly recommend assembling your own stylist kit to ensure you have key fix-it items handy. I have a kit at-the-ready at home and in my car. Grab an unused makeup bag, fill it with essentials and, ta-da! You have your own custom style emergency kit.
1 | How to… fix a broken heel.
If you have super glue available, it should hold the heel on temporarily until you can get to a shoe repair. I recommend carrying folding flats in your car or tote bag for shoe catastrophes like this one, or simply to change into if you’ve had a long day on your feet. Yosi Samra makes a quality, portable shoe or there are a variety of less expensive (although lower quality) brands available as well on amazon.com.

2| How to… open a stuck zipper.
Wax or soap will help lubricate a zipper if it doesn’t want to glide, but if there’s fabric or thread causing the zipper to be stuck, you’ll need pick the fabric out first. Gently rub the wax or soap on the zipper teeth to get it moving. However, if that doesn’t work and the item is important to you, I’d advise taking it to your dry cleaner or alterations shop, so it doesn’t get damaged.
3 | How to… refresh a musty garment.
I’ve found the easiest way to freshen up clothing quickly is to throw the item in the dryer on medium heat for about 10 minutes with a fabric softener sheet, then spritz on your favorite fragrance and you’re out the door. If you have an hour or two, you can also try placing it in the freezer to eliminate the stale smell.
4 | How to… remove a tough stain after washing.
Successful removal really depends on the type and strength of the stain, but I swear by Grandma’s Secret Spot Remover. From blood to wine and grass stains, I’ve been successful even if the item has already been through the wash. Saturate the area and let it soak into the stain for about 30 minutes before washing again. White vinegar often works too by applying to the stain, then gently blotting it with a clean, white rag to lift the spot. If this doesn’t work or you’re dealing with a fragile fabric, take the item to your dry cleaner and ask them to work their magic.

5 | How to… deal with a missing button.
There are several quick fixes for this problem! In the case of a shirt missing a button, Hollywood Tape takes care of closing gaps from missing buttons or gaps on shirts that are a little tight. I always keep some in my handbag. Depending on the location of the missing button, a strategically-placed scarf or brooch will cover up the repaired area. If your pants lose a button, a safety pin will generally hold them together, and a belt or scarf doubling as a belt will cover the pin. Or, simply untuck your shirt and leave it out or knot it on one side if it’s too long.
6 | How to… fix a fallen hem.
Again, I can’t say enough about the magic of Hollywood Tape! It is my go-to for quick hems and any other wardrobe malfunctions! I keep a package in my car, stylist kit and bathroom. It’s a must-have.

7 | How to… fix a broken shoe lace.
The quickest fix is to tie the broken lace together in a knot where it snapped, then re-lace and tie. Or, simply pull the laces out of both shoes and rock a hipper vibe!
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