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Angela’s Lab | Sentimental Jewelry Lasts Forever

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The impending Mother's Day weekend has me feeling emotional... emotional about my own mom being gone for a year and a half now... emotional that she's not here in person to see my daughter grow up... emotional about the fact that I'm so blessed to be a mom... and emotional about the fact that my daughter is growing up way too fast. I can hardly believe that she'll be turning double digits this summer and starting middle school in the fall. If you follow me on Instagram at momstylelab, you may have seen that I recently took Christina to her first concert (Taylor Swift! It really was an amazing show) and she also got ...Read more.

Mother’s Day Gifts We Love Under $100

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It snuck up on us... Mother's Day is Sunday, May 14th! Wasn't it just Valentine's Day?! The big day is only 10 days away. The good news is that there's still time to shop and order the perfect gifts for the moms in your life. And, don't forget to start your own wish list. If you need a little inspiration, we have some terrific ideas for under $100! You're welcome and Happy Mother's Day!! ...Read more.

Angela’s Lab | Blessed to be a Mom

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For some becoming a mother is a no-brainer, you get married, get pregnant, have a baby and live happily ever after. Okay, life is never really that simple generally, but millions of women get pregnant by design or by accident every year. As women, we spend a chunk of our life in our 20s, worried about getting pregnant and if it happens what will we do??  Then, there are the women who dream of becoming mothers, but don't get to take the easy road. This was me. ...Read more.