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Ask Our Style Techs | Best Casual Work Attire?

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Q: I'm a teacher and am challenged with how to look professional, yet be casual and comfortable, as I work with young children all day. Also, any suggestions on how to make the switch from day to night easy? - Kathy M. ...Read more.

Ring in the New Year in Style

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The holiday season's official finale is New Year's Eve -- the biggest party night of the year! Whether you are at a major citywide celebration, a champagne-fueled soiree or at home for a celebration with family and friends, we have outfits to inspire your ideal look. ...Read more.

Date Night | Doll Up for $150, $500 or $1000

Doll Up For 150, 500, 1000 // MSL view more

One of the greatest things about fashion is that it's not always easy to determine the price tag of something at first glance, especially if you style it well and carry yourself with confidence. ...Read more.