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Pro Tips: How to Dress 10 Pounds Slimmer Now

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We don't have the stats on how many of us added a few pounds over the very intense, stressful, stay-at-home year that was 2020... BUT raise your hand if you've been living in loungewear and pouring yourself a glass or two of wine with dinner on the daily. Yeah, we thought so.... us too. While our communities opening up and returning to some semblance of normal is still a ways off, we are starting to mentally prep for the idea of getting dressed in regular (read: non-stretchy) clothes again. Our gift to you is DON'T worry about the extra pounds right now, instead think LEAN! And, hide your overindulgence by styling ...Read more.

Arizona Midday | How to Dress 10 Pounds Slimmer

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Raise your hand if you may have indulged in a few too many treats and glasses of champagne over the holidays? YASSS! It's part of the holidays. Then, in January we work to get back on track by re-committing to healthy eating, working out, and so it goes. While you're working on reaching your goal weight, Angela shares tips and tricks on NBC Channel 12's Arizona Midday on how to DRESS yourself slimmer to look your best NOW in looks from Nordstrom. To put the focus on your best assets, you need to think LEAN. LEAN is short for Lengthen, Embellish, Alter and Neutralize. ...Read more.