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GI Rescue Recipes: Turkey-Stuffed Peppers

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It's dinner time AGAIN. I need something easy and fast, yet healthy and nutritious, plus it needs to meet the Low FODMAP diet guidelines. (Code for it's good for your gut!) I looked at several different stuffed pepper recipes and created my own healthy version that has become a weekly go-to meal in our house, plus a family favorite! Oh, and my husband loves it even more when I throw a few jalapeños on the top of his serving. Bring on the heat. ;) Bonus: It tastes just as good or even better the next day for lunch, and during these quarantine times having good food ready to eat on hand is a lifesaver. I hope your family ...Read more.

Mom Challenge: Whip Up a Healthy Dinner with What’s in Your Pantry

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by Deirdre Hahn, Lifestyle Contributor | It was 5:00 p.m. last Sunday and I had a grumpy child on my hands. Lilly and I had just arrived home after a frenzied playdate where her friends made terrariums at a local terrarium shop called Ephemera. The store and workspace were the size of a hall closet with no less than 10 humans crammed inside. If HGTV ever makes a show about tiny stores, this place would top the billing. Yet, this store is really amazing… one of those “why didn’t I think of that?” kind of places. Ephemera is where every tiny plastic thing-a-ma-bobber goes after you clean out your kids’ ...Read more.

GI Rescue Recipes for Kids: Terrific Turkey Burgers

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Dinner CAN be easy on special diets like the elimination or FODMAP regimen... it's really just a matter of finding and stocking your pantry with the right healthy ingredients that meet the "no additives and/or no ferment" criteria, then shopping regularly for the fresh items you'll need. Once you're familiar with the brands and food you can buy, trips to the supermarket aren't as overwhelming. Of course the first few times give yourself extra time to walk around, read labels and determine the best choices for your situation. We discovered two apps for your smartphone that have proven very helpful, ShopWell and ...Read more.