GI Rescue Recipes: Turkey-Stuffed Peppers
It’s dinner time AGAIN. I need something easy and fast, yet healthy and nutritious, plus it needs to meet the Low FODMAP diet guidelines. (Code for it’s good for your gut!) I looked at several different stuffed pepper recipes and created my own healthy version that has become a weekly go-to meal in our house, plus a family favorite! Oh, and my husband loves it even more when I throw a few jalapeños on the top of his serving. Bring on the heat. 😉 Bonus: It tastes just as good or even better the next day for lunch, and during these quarantine times having good food ready to eat on hand is a lifesaver. I hope your family loves this dish as much as we do!

Turkey-Stuffed Peppers
4-6 red bell peppers (depending on the size)
Olive oil spray
1 lb extra lean ground turkey
1 jar tomato puree (Bionaturae or Cento brands don’t have any additives)
2 tsp oregano
2 cups fresh chopped baby spinach
2 cups cooked brown rice
¾ c grated parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cut red peppers in half and scrape out the insides. Spray olive oil in 9×13 baking dish and lay peppers in dish with the insides facing up, then spray with olive oil. Bake peppers in oven for about 10-15 minutes while making the turkey mixture.

Spray olive oil in skillet and place on stove. Brown ground turkey on medium heat until thoroughly cooked. Once cooked, add tomato puree, oregano, spinach and rice. Combine all ingredients and continue to cook for about 5 minutes. Turn heat down and simmer while removing peppers from oven.

Scoop meat mixture into pepper halves (it’s okay if the mixture overflows), then sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Place in oven and bake for 25 minutes.
Bon appétit!
More on our family’s Low FODMAP diet journey here. Plus, check out our Lifestyle section for more recipes and other dietary information (from special GI diets to living with food allergies), as well as other lifestyle topics.
P.S. Do you have any “Low FODMAP” recipes you like? Please share!! Email me at
P.P.S. What exactly does FODMAP mean? The FODMAP diet focuses on a large group of dietary sugars called FODMAPs, which stands for Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Di-saccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols. These sugars are often poorly absorbed in the small intestine and ferment causing bacteria and gas. After a few months on the elimination diet, my daughter Christina’s doctor switched her to the FODMAP diet, which combined with the right antibiotics got rid of her bacterial overgrowth. She has been instructed to remain on the FODMAP diet as long as possible to maintain her GI health and balance.
Editorial Note: Please note that I am a mom — not a doctor, dietician or nutritionist — so am not trying to give advice, but rather just pass on my own learnings in the kitchen.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!
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