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Mom Challenge: Whip Up a Healthy Dinner with What’s in Your Pantry

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by Deirdre Hahn, Lifestyle Contributor | It was 5:00 p.m. last Sunday and I had a grumpy child on my hands. Lilly and I had just arrived home after a frenzied playdate where her friends made terrariums at a local terrarium shop called Ephemera. The store and workspace were the size of a hall closet with no less than 10 humans crammed inside. If HGTV ever makes a show about tiny stores, this place would top the billing. Yet, this store is really amazing… one of those “why didn’t I think of that?” kind of places. Ephemera is where every tiny plastic thing-a-ma-bobber goes after you clean out your kids’ ...Read more.

Tips & Tricks for Traveling with Food Allergies

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by Dr. Deirdre Hahn, Lifestyle Contributor | Eight years have passed since our daughter Lilly was tested for food allergies. We’ve adapted… but it shapes every single decision we make about eating. Every. Single. Decision. From buying a box of cereal to eating dinner while on vacation in Spain, we assess the risk of every morsel that may pass her lips. Sometimes it’s easy. In the United States, a box of cereal has a nice, clear label that lists ingredients and possible cross-contamination with other allergens. In other countries, this information may be missing from the label. The following 8 foods account for ...Read more.

GI Rescue Recipes for Kids: Pure-fect Pancakes

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In January, we found out that our daughter at only eight years old has ulcers due to an extreme overgrowth of bacteria and yeast in her system. Wow. We're not sure what caused the problem, as we have always eaten healthy at home with a focus on simple, whole organic foods, and kept sugar and processed foods to a minimum. She tested negative for food allergies, but it's quite possible the issue stems from a food sensitivity that over time became an issue. She had been dealing with a nagging stomachache and sore throat for a few months, and we were in and out of the pediatrician's office for strep tests ...Read more.