GI Rescue Recipes for Kids: Zucchini Cheese Pizza
What kid doesn’t love pizza? Well, on the FODMAP diet, pizza as we know it isn’t an option… and gluten-free crust doesn’t fly either. So, when my friend sent me a recipe for Cheesy Zucchini Bread, I made some modifications to make it FODMAP-friendly and turned out this healthy, super yummy dish that tastes like pizza! The whole family can’t get enough. Plus, it’s super easy to make and a great way to sneak in more veggies. Get creative with toppings on the “crust” and customize with your family’s favorites.
Zucchini Cheese Pizza
4 cups of grated zucchini (use paper towel to soak up excess moisture prior to adding to other ingredients)
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
1 cup Mozzarella cheese
Dash of sea salt
Mix together, adding zucchini last, and form a rectangle on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Bake at 425 degrees for 25-30 minutes. This is your “crust.”
Remove from oven and sprinkle ½ of a chopped red pepper and 1 cup of chopped spinach on top (or whatever veggies you like… cooked chicken or ground turkey is good too!), followed by 1 cup of mozzarella cheese and 1 cup of cheddar cheese. Bake an additional 10 minutes or until cheese bubbles.
Let cool for a few minutes, then cut into squares and serve.
Just. So. Yummy. You’re welcome!
More on our family’s elimination/FODMAP diet journey here. Plus, check out our Lifestyle section for more recipes and other dietary information (from special GI diets to living with food allergies), as well as other lifestyle topics.
P.S. Do you have any “total elimination or FODMAP” recipes you like? Please share!! Email me at
P.P.S. What exactly does FODMAP mean? The FODMAP diet focuses on a large group of dietary sugars called FODMAPs, which stands for Fermentable Oligo-saccharides, Di-saccharides, Mono-saccharides and Polyols. These sugars are often poorly absorbed in the small intestine and ferment causing bacteria and gas. After a few months on the elimination diet, my daughter’s doctor switched her to the FODMAP diet, which combined with the right antibiotics got rid of her bacterial overgrowth. She has been instructed to remain on the FODMAP diet as long as possible to maintain her GI health and balance.
Editorial Note: Please note that I am a mom — not a doctor, dietician or nutritionist — so am not trying to give advice, but rather just pass on my own learnings in the kitchen. The recipes I’m sharing may not work for everyone or every elimination or FODMAP diet.
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