Angela’s Lab | Celebrity Interview Ready


This Thursday is a big day for Mom Style Lab. I am beyond thrilled to be interviewing the amazing jewelry designer and entrepreneur Kendra Scott. I admire this woman not only for her talent, business savvy and philanthropy, but her unwavering dedication to her family. I can’t wait to chat with her about motherhood, her dreams, and what’s next for Kendra Scott, the woman and the company. So of course, when the interview was arranged, being a fashion-devotee and all, the first question that springs to mind is — what am I going to wear???  The answer — a fabulous dress and Kendra Scott statement necklace, natch.  Stay tuned for the interview!

Dress, Ted Baker // Shoes, Sam Edelman (similar here) // Necklace, Kendra Scott

 Angela's Lab 11-22-14 2

6 responses to “Angela’s Lab | Celebrity Interview Ready”

  1. Jenny says:

    Wow! Angela, you look great! Love the dress and shoes!

  2. Sally says:

    So exited for you Angela!! When do we get to listen in?
    And where can we find out about that great necklace?

    • angela says:

      Thanks, Sally!! The video interview will be up on the site early next week. If you click on the above image of the necklace, it will take you directly to the page to purchase it.

  3. Kendra Scott says:

    Love the outfit!!! Now the pressure is on me to find something cute to wear! Looking forward to meeting you!

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