Community Lab

The Best Nordstrom Sale Beauty Deals to Buy Now

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Every year during the Anniversary Sale, Nordstrom secures special deals and bundles from all the top beauty brands... it's a beauty junkie's dream! Here are a few of the deals I recommend taking advantage of while the NSale is on. Plus, be sure and scroll through the website to check if any of your other go-to brands are on sale as well! ...Read more.

Angela’s Lab | My Nordstrom Sale Picks + Shopping Tips

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It's that time of year again... fall fashion on SALE in July.... the highly-anticipated Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! My daughter and I generally hit the first day of early access for Nordstrom cardholders and make a day of it, but this year she's at camp all week, so we'll be doing our annual mother-daughter back-to-school shopping trip this weekend. Naturally, I couldn't wait that long, and hit the store and website to shop and pre-scout for her as well. Who else's kids are at the age where it's become difficult to shop for them?? I'm running at a rate of being "right " with my choices for her about 50% of the time... ...Read more.

Ask MSL | Outfit Inspo for Fourth of July

Mom Style Lab / Red, White, and Blue Done Right view more

Q: My family hosts a big Fourth of July barbecue and celebration at our home every year. Do you have any ideas for casual and patriotic, yet stylish and cute, outfits? -- Maryanne ...Read more.