Mom Muse | Linda Lipp
Good health is central to our well-being and leading a happy, fulfilling life. We know this. And, as moms, keeping our kids healthy and teaching them how to make good dietary choices is at the top of our priority list. A desire to help further this effort and inspire children and their families to make positive lifestyle choices is what led Linda J. Lipp to write her first children’s book. Fantastic! We’re all for starting ’em young, as they say, with the goal of creating lifelong good habits.
Photo Credit: Julie Dassaro Photography
A former scientist and communications pro in the healthcare industry, Linda learned about the epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes in children years ago. A mother herself, she was determined to find a way to inspire kids to eat more healthy foods. When Linda shared her vision with fellow medical writer and running companion, Dawn Hartman Chiu, they expanded the initiative by also incorporating physical activity. Together, Linda and Dawn co-wrote Eat Like an Animal and Act Like an Animal. Linda then met Rachel Lee Cronin, who illustrated the books and beautifully brought their vision to life.
The dynamic trio of Dawn, Rachel & Linda.
The Eat Like an Animal and Act Like an Animal rhyming picture books are two books in one. The books are both colorful and engaging, and encourage healthy behaviors in children.
With almost 30 years of experience in healthcare, the seeds of health advocacy were planted in Linda’s mind early in her career. While in college, Linda enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserves for six years as a Combat Medic to get hands-on experience in the medical field. During this time, she was stationed at a hospital where she helped care for patients and saw many who were bedridden and dependent on drugs and medical devices to stay alive. This experience left a deep impression on Linda and motivated her to learn more about optimizing health and preventing disease.
Linda’s military highlight was nationally representing the U.S. Army Reserves at a White House Ceremony in Washington D.C. with President George H. W. Bush and his administration honoring the Montgomery GI Bill. Photo Credit: MSgt. John Esposito
After earning her degree in biology, Linda began her career as a Preclinical Scientist at Novartis, one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. With prior laboratory and patient care experience, it was a natural progression for her to advance to clinical research, where she traveled to different cities throughout the country to monitor and manage clinical research studies as a Senior Clinical Research Scientist.
Over 20 years ago, Linda decided to transition into medical writing. While she was at her first healthcare communications agency, Linda met Troy, her husband of 17 years. The couple has two sons, Kyle (13) and Dylan (11). After their second son was born, Linda started her own freelance medical writing business, which afforded her more flexible scheduling and time with her boys. We can all relate to that desire!
Linda and her family on a recent vacation in Mexico. Photo Credit: Dream Art Lifestyle Photography
Linda and her family after she graduated from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.
And, her list of credentials continues to grow! One day, while on a 14-mile training run for the TSC New York City Marathon, Linda was inspired to delve even deeper into the health and wellness industry and become a Certified Holistic Health Coach. So she did. In addition to working with clients to bring their health to the next level as a coach, Linda also wrote for Dr. Joel Fuhrman (nutrition-oriented doctor, author and public speaker) and his online business. Today, Linda works with Artcraft Health, an award-winning health education agency.
We can’t wait to see what this motivated mom has in store for her next book! More on this and her vision for raising healthy kids below.
Photo Credit: Julie Dassaro Photography
MSL: Describe your style in five words or less.
Classic, understated, touch of whimsy.
MSL: Tell us more about the inspiration behind your book.
I find reading healthcare trends and projections as they relate to the health of our children to be devastating. For example, a report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that one in three children born in the year 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes at some point in their lives. There is also a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine that says today’s children will have a shorter average lifespan than their parents due to the epidemic of obesity.
I have a different vision — one of health for today’s children and the adults they are fast becoming. As a mom and health advocate, I hope that the Eat Like an Animal and Act Like an Animal books inspire children to mimic the behaviors of the animals featured in the books by eating healthful foods and being active.
Parents can use the book as a tool and say things such as, “Don’t you want to be like the rabbit and eat some carrots?” Children love to pretend and play games, so why not add in a family “crunch contest” with your little “rabbits” and those carrot wedges? I invite every reader, child or adult, to be a part of the change and include more fresh whole foods and regular activity into his or her life.
MSL: What did you enjoy most about writing your first children’s book? The biggest challenge?
The thing I enjoyed most was seeing the first printer proof in the hands of my children. I heard them read it aloud and talk about vegetables over dinner. They debated about what animals might eat broccoli and why. It was heartwarming to see our mission in action!
Photo Credit: Julie Dassaro Photography
Another memorable moment was searching for the book title online and seeing the listings come up in different languages. Knowing our book has a presence around the world validated our goal of making a difference.
The biggest challenge was that my partners on this book and I are all working moms with busy schedules. We completed this project mainly through emails and text messages. There were many bumps along the way, and at different times we each wanted to give up. But, we knew our purpose was bigger than us so we kept each other going and got it done.
MSL: Do you have plans to write another one?
Yes! Another book is already in the works! It’s not about animals, but another theme that children love. It’s written for a slightly older audience to help children and their families foster a deeper connection between the foods that they eat and their health.
MSL: As a working mom, any secrets you can share for maintaining a healthy work-life balance?
The first step is looking at your life from a wide lens and figuring out what you really want it to be about. From there you can set priorities and make decisions on how to spend your time, energy and attention.
For me, it means focusing on one thing at a time, without necessarily neglecting everything else, and then shifting that focus as needed. It’s more of a counterbalance approach, but I find it more effective than trying to have balance across all areas of my life at the same time.
MSL: What’s the one item in your closet you can’t live without?
I have a weakness for black bags and polka dots. Black bags are self-explanatory and polka dots are the epitome of feminine classic, but also remind me not to take life too seriously.
MSL: Top three clothing items or accessories you’re buying for spring?
I have my eye on an Anne Klein lightweight trench coat. It’s black, thigh-length, and has a hood. Quite a fashionable example of form following function. It’s on my wish list for spring!
My lifestyle is hands-on and I would love to add some more athletic dresses to my wardrobe. They come in beautiful designs and can be worn with flip flops, sneakers, or a cute shrug sweater and heels.
Last summer Linda did a triathlon to celebrate her 49th birthday. Linda is walking into the triathlon transition area wearing an L.L. Bean athletic dress over her triathlon suit. Photo Credit: NJ State Triathlon
As for accessories, I would love to add a necklace or bracelet made of hematite crystals. I recently learned about the protective properties of hematite — and find it to be very beautiful too!
Photo Credit: Julie Dassaro Photography
MSL: Tell us about your favorite family and/or free time activities.
Our boys are very active and aside from supporting their activities we all enjoy being outdoors. We do all sorts of activities, but the thing we do most often together is hiking, especially in the winter. It’s so beautiful to see freshly-fallen snow glistening throughout the woods!
Another thing we do together is cook — and eat! Cooking is essential to our family and eating home-cooked quality food has helped each of us thrive. Eating dinner together as a family has always been a priority for me and it’s definitely a cornerstone of our family life.
I think having goals and interests of your own are important too. I love adventures! In fact, every year for my birthday I make an adventure list. Time passes very quickly and if you don’t set dates for things you want to do, you may never do them. I have tried rock climbing, sky diving, and SCUBA diving, and have participated in many mud runs, including a Tough Mudder 12-mile obstacle course.
Linda after participating in a mud run obstacle course organized to raise awareness about domestic violence and funds for the Futures Without Violence program.
I have also participated in about 30 endurance events, mostly half marathons, but also full marathons and several triathlons up to a 70.3-mile half-ironman distance triathlon. Recent adventures include being in dragon boat races and zip lining over the Mexican jungle.
My other interests lie in the arts. My work is can be very analytical and I balance that by dabbling in the arts. I’ve painted in every medium and have learned a technique for creating stained glass. I also support the arts by frequenting plays and have been a subscriber at the Paper Mill Playhouse in New Jersey for the last 25 years.
MSL: What’s your best style advice for other moms out there?
Wear things that suit you and your lifestyle and support your confidence. Above all, strive to be at a healthy body weight and take good care of your skin. Everything you wear will look better with these efforts!
Note: The books — Eat Like an Animal and Act Like an Animal — are available on Amazon Prime with same-day delivery, as well as Barnes & Noble.
9 responses to “Mom Muse | Linda Lipp”
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So great to read about Linda’s inspiring story on here. Beautiful pictures, and all of her responses are so interesting. Love the book too!
So glad you liked the interview! She is an amazing lady! xo
So proud of my daughter Linda and all
of her accomplishments. Her health mission
for children is inspiring.
You raised an amazing woman! Good job, mom and dad!
Congrats to Linda on this important and creative accomplishment, among many others! We worked together at a healthcare agency when her book idea on healthy eating was just getting off the ground. It’s great to see the results!
Yes Linda is a role model for young women everywhere to keep working hard to reach your goals. We’ve done many adventures together since 1994 and we have many more to do ! Great article about a beautiful person inside and out!
Many precious moments have been shared with our precious Linda. She has given so much of her heartfelt self to creating a better world for others, and we are always so proud and grateful for her. Congrats to our Linda!!!
Thank you all for your kind words and support!! Thank you again, Angela, for featuring me and helping us to spread the word about our mission and book!! Xo
Linda is such an inspiration and an honor to work beside. She has high energy and always innovating new ideas to help others. I hope our book inspires many little ones to do the same but of course it always starts with our health! “As within, so within”. Linda exemplifies this in her own beautiful way!